
Papers Listed by Topic

Page history last edited by Doug Spencer 15 years, 2 months ago


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Carment, David, "2006 Country Indicators for Foreign Policy: Opportunities and Challenges for Canada," (with El-Achkar, Prest, and Samy).

Carment, David, "Democracy and Governance Handbook," from Country Indicators for Foreign Policy Project, 2007.

Carment, David, "Measuring and Monitoring Government," from Democracy and Governance Processes Project, 2007.

Carment, David, "Democracy and Governance: Pakistan Report," from Country Indicators for Foreign Policy Project, 2007.

Coppedge, Michael, "Measuring Democracy: A Multidimensional, Tiered, and Historial Approach," (with John Gerring), Oct. 2009.

Inglehart, Ron,  "The Causual Link between Democratic Values and Democratic Institutions: Theoretical Discussion," Ch. 7 in Inglehart & Welzel, Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy.

Inglehart, Ron, "Changing Mass Priorities: The Link Between Modernization and Democracy," Perspectives on Politics (forthcoming 2010).

Inglehart, Ron, "Components of a Pro-Democratic Civic Culture," Ch. 11 in Inglehart & Welzel, Modernization, Cultural Change and Democracy.

Morlino, Leonardo, "Qualities of Democracy: How to Analyze Them," Working Paper, comments welcome (2009).

Munck, Gerardo "Cross-National Indices with Gender-Differentiated Data: What Do They Measure? How Valid Are They?" 2009.

Tommasoli, Massimo, "Assessing Democracy: Donor Rhetoric and Country-led Processes," October, 2009.

UNDP, Global Program on Democratic Governance Assessments

UNDP, Measuring Democratic Governance: A Framework for selecting pro-poor and gender sensitive indicators

UNDP, Practice Note on Democratic Governance Assessments



Munck, Gerardo, "Do You Know Your Data? Measurement Validity in Corruption Research," (with Angela Hawken), 2009.

UNDP/Global Integrity, Users' Guide to Measuring Corruption



Kaufmann, Daniel, “Governance Matters 2009: Learning from over a Decade of the Worldwide Governance Indicators," The Brookings Institution Brief, June 2009.

Kaufmann, Daniel, “Goverannce Matters VIII: Governance Indicators for 1996-2008," WB Policy Research Working Paper No. 4978, June 2009.

Kaufmann, Daniel, “Governance Indicators: Where are We, Where Should we be Going?," WB Policy Research Working Paper No. 4370, October 2007.

Kaufmann, Daniel, “Worldwide Governance Indicators Project: Answering the Critics," WB Policy Research Working Paper No. 4149, March 2007.

Kaufmann, Daniel, "Goverannce Matters III: Governance Indicators for 1996-2002," WB Policy Research Working Paper No. 3106, June 2003.

Kaufmann, Daniel, "Growth without Governance," WB Policy Research Working Paper No. 2928, November 2002.

Kaufmann, Daniel, "Worldwide Governance Indicators," Resource website where data and additional papers may be found.

Teorell, Jan, "The Impact of Quality of Government as Impartiality: Theory and Evidence," Presented at APSA Annual Meetings in Toronto, 2009.

UNDP, User's Guide on Governance Indicators

UNDP, Users Guide to Measuring Local Governance


Human Rights

Davenport, Christian, "State Repression and Political Order," Annual Review of Political Science Vol. 10, No. 1 (2007), pp. 1-23. 


Measurement Problems

Elkins, Zachary, "The Vodka is Potent, but the Meat is Rotten: Evaluating Measurement Equivalence across Contexts," (with John Sides), 2009.


Service Delivery

UNDP, Users Guide to Measuring Local Governance

UNDP, Users Guide to Measuring Public Administration Performance


State Fragility

Carment, David "Extent and Sources of State Fragility and Failure," (with Teddy Samy), 2009.

Laitin, David "Misunderestimating Terrorism," (with Alan Krueger) Foreign Affairs Vol. 83, No. 5 (2004), pp. 8-13.

UNDP/GDI, Users Guide to Measuring Fragility 

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