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Seventy-four (74) projects are listed, each of which establish, or heavily rely on, a particular index of governance across nine categories.
Column 1 lists the author(s) of each project, either by name or organization, as presented on the title page.
Column 2 lists the titles for each indicator project, article, or dataset.
Columns 3-11 represent the nine categories of interest:
DM = democracy
EL = elections
PF = press freedom
HR = human rights
SF = state fragility
CP = corruption
RL = rule of law
DS =delivery of services
BL = business and labor climate
EF = economic freedom
Column 12 lists the years for which the data was calculated. In almost every case, the report was published during the year of the most recent date.
- For example, if the report calculates data from 1976-2006, it was most likely published in 2006.
Column 13 provides the number of countries, territories, and/or ethnic groups that are represented in the dataset.
Column 14 includes links to the datasets, articles, and/or websites of each project.
Author |
Project |
DM |
EL |
PF |
HR |
SF |
CP |
RL |
DS |
BL |
EF |
Years |
Links |
Alvarez, Cheibub,
Limongi, Przeworski
ACLP Dataset |
X |
1950-1990 |
135 |
Link |
Arat, Zehra |
Book with dataset |
X |
X |
1948-1982 |
Link |
Banks, Arthur |
Cross-Polity Data Archive |
X |
X |
X |
1815-2008 |
233 |
Barro, Robert and Wolf |
Data Appendix to article |
X |
1960-1985 |
98 |
Link |
Risk Ratings |
X |
1997-2003 |
50 |
Link |
Bollen, Ken |
Papers |
X |
X |
1960-1965 |
110 |
Link |
Brunetti, Aymo |
Paper |
X |
X |
X |
1997 |
N/A |
Link |
Carment, David |
Gov and Democracy ranking |
X |
2007 |
192 |
Link |
Carment, David |
Fragile States ranking |
X |
2006-2008 |
192 |
Link |
Cheibub and Gandhi |
Paper |
X |
1946-2002 |
199 |
Link |
Cingranelli and Richards |
CIRI Human Rights Dataset |
X |
1981-2007 |
195 |
Link |
Cmte to Protect Journalists |
Attacks on the Press |
X |
2008 |
50 |
Link |
Coppedge, M & W Reinicke |
Polyarchy/Contestation Scales
X |
1985, 2000 |
196 |
Link |
Coppedge, Alvarez,
and Maldonado
Contestation and
X |
1950-2000 |
195 |
Link |
Danish Ctr. for Hum. Rights |
Human Rights Index |
X |
N/A |
N/A |
Link |
Davenport, Christian |
Minorities at Risk |
X |
1980-2006 |
283 |
Link |
Djankov, et al. |
Media Ownership |
X |
2001 |
97 |
Link |
Economic Freedom Network
Economic Freedom of the World
(by 5 yrs)
Economist Intelligence Unit |
Bus. Environ. Ranking |
X |
1994-2008 |
60 |
Link |
Elkins, Ginsburg, Melton |
Comparative Constitutions |
X |
X |
X |
1789-2005 |
214 |
Link |
Feng, Yi |
Book |
X |
X |
X |
N/A |
N/A |
Link |
DM |
EL |
PF |
HR |
SF |
CP |
RL |
DS |
BL |
EF |
Finkel, Perez-Linan,
Seligson, Tate |
Democracy Assistance Project
(Phase II)
X |
X |
1990-2003 |
195 |
Link |
Franklin, Mark |
Chapter in Book |
X |
1961-1999 |
40 |
Link |
Freedom House/Gastil |
Freedom in the World |
X |
X |
1972-2008 |
209 |
Link |
Freedom House |
Freedom of the Press |
X |
1980-2008 |
195 |
Link |
Gasiorowski, Mark |
Paper with unique dataset |
X |
1944-1992 |
97 |
Link |
Gastil, Raymond |
Comparative Study of Freedom |
X |
1972-1976 |
218 |
Link |
Gibney, Mark |
Political Terror Scale |
X |
1976-2007 |
183 |
Link |
Global Insight |
WIS Sector Risk Ratings |
X |
1980-2008 |
75 |
Link |
Global Integrity |
Public Integrity Index |
X |
X |
2003 |
25 |
Link |
Hadenius, Alex (ed.) |
Democracy's Victory and Crisis |
X |
N/A |
N/A |
Link |
Henisz, Witold |
Political Constraint Index |
X |
1815-2004 |
234 |
Link |
Heritage Foundation |
Index of Economic Freedom |
X |
1995-2009 |
179 |
Link |
Human Development Rpt. |
Political Freedom Index |
X |
1991-1992 |
Humana, Charles |
Human Freedom Index |
X |
1992 |
100 |
Link |
Intl. Country Risk Guide |
X |
1984-2008 |
171 150 |
Link |
Voter Turnout |
X |
1945-2000 |
171 |
Link |
Electoral Systems & Gender
X |
X |
Link |
State of Democracy Network |
X |
2000-2008 |
20 |
Link |
IMD Business Sch. (Geneva) |
World Competitiveness
X |
1989-2009 |
57 |
Link |
Intl. Labor Org. |
Economic Security Index |
X |
Link |
DM |
EL |
PF |
HR |
SF |
CP |
RL |
DS |
BL |
EF |
Inter. Parliament. Union |
Women in Parliament |
X |
X |
1997-2009 |
Link |
Inter. Parliament. Union |
Parliamentary chambers |
X |
2006-2008 |
187 |
Link |
Media Sustblty Index |
X |
2000-2007 |
76 |
Link |
Jackman, Robert |
Cross-National Study (AJPS) |
X |
1973 |
60 |
Link |
Jenkins, C. and C. Taylor |
World Handbook |
X |
X |
X |
1948-1982 |
156 |
Link |
Kaufmann and Kraay |
Governance Matters |
X |
1996-2006 |
212 |
Link |
Kekic, Laza |
EIU's Index of Democracy |
X |
Lowenstein, Ralph |
World Press Freedom |
X |
1966-1967 |
94 |
Marshall, Monty |
Polity IV |
X |
X |
1800-2007 |
162 |
Link |
Nixon, Raymond |
Freedom in Nat'l Press Sys. |
X |
1960, 1965 |
85, 117 |
Norris, Pippa |
Timeseries Data |
X |
1971-2007 |
191 |
Link |
Norris, Pippa |
Crossnational Data |
X |
2009 |
191 |
Link |
Observer |
Human Rights Index |
X |
1988-1989 |
100 |
Link |
Physical Quality of Life |
X |
1960-1990 |
127 |
Link |
Intl Human Rights Standards |
X |
1966-2008 |
165 |
Link |
Open Budget |
Open Budget Initiative |
X |
X |
2008 |
85 |
Link |
PriceWaterhouse |
Opacity Index |
X |
2001-?? |
35 |
Link |
Poe, Steven and Neal Tate |
Cross-National Study |
X |
1976-2003 |
153 |
Link |
Pol. Instability Task Force |
State Failure Database (U. Md) |
X |
1955-2007 |
50 |
Link |
Pourgerami, Abbas |
Cross-National Causality Test |
X |
1988 |
92 |
Link |
DM |
EL |
PF |
HR |
SF |
CP |
RL |
DS |
BL |
EF |
Quality of Gov't Institute |
Cross-Sectional Time Series
X |
X |
1946-2006 |
205 |
Link |
Reporters w/o Borders |
Country Reports |
X |
2002-2008 |
185 |
Link |
Rummel, Rudy |
Dimensionality of Nations |
X |
X |
X |
1950-1965 |
113 |
Link |
Schneider and Schmitter |
Democratization Dataset |
X |
1974-2000 |
30 |
Link |
Stohl & Carleton, et al. |
Human Rights Measurement Issues |
X |
N/A |
N/A |
Link |
Transparency Intl |
Corruption Perception Index |
X |
1995-2008 |
180 |
Link |
Transparency Intl |
Bribe Payers' Index |
X |
1999, 2002
2006, 2008
22 |
Link |
Transparency Intl |
Global Corruption Barometer |
X |
2003-2009 |
69 |
Link |
United Nations |
Women's Indicators |
X |
(every 5 yrs)
242 |
Link |
United Nations |
Disability Database |
X |
1973-2004 |
62 |
Link |
United Nations |
Criminal Justice Stats |
X |
X |
1975-1994 |
75 |
Link |
Van Belle |
Paper with unique dataset |
X |
1948-1995 |
195 |
Link |
Vanhanen |
Index of Democracy |
X |
1810-2000 |
172 |
Link |
World Bank |
BEEPS Survey |
X |
X |
1999, 2002
2004, 2005
27 |
Link |
World Bank |
Database of Political Institutions |
X |
X |
1975-2006 |
180 |
Link |
DM |
EL |
PF |
HR |
SF |
CP |
RL |
DS |
BL |
EF |
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